Saturday, November 27, 2010



当我说没有过海的时候,人家通常只会想到北海( Butterworth)。


大山脚 是一个如果你从南部上来槟城一定会经过的地方。当你过了吉隆坡收费站一路踩油上槟城的话,大山脚就是你到槟威大桥前要停下来的收费站。

而这座山的马来名叫“Cherok Tokun". 


你的右边就是auto-city 汽车城了。这里除了很多间名贵汽车show room 还有银行,高级餐厅,夜总会。。。这个是改变了大山脚孩子的生活方式,这里是我们爱游荡的地方。我们喜欢在这里聚会,来这里的地方clubbing,喝酒,庆祝生日。。。

 这个地方是伯公庙,这里的人都用福建或潮州话称它为 “伯公前”。这里是大山脚的旺区,每一天甚至是入夜了这里都车水马龙。 晚上的时候这里更是有很多东西吃。

大山脚的著名建筑莫过于就是这一间圣安纳天主教堂了(st anne church),建于1888

每一年七月圣安纳诞的时候,这里有40,000 – 60,000来东南亚各地的信徒前来朝圣。

 在大山脚,summit hotel是这里的地标,它算是大山脚最高的建筑物了。

接下来就是这个市政府大厦了。这个地方叫bandar perda,有点像sunway 这样。所有政府部门都在这里,警察局,消防局,住宅还有商店也在这里,而且规模不小哦。

在大山脚还有一个风景很美的地方,那就是孟光水坝了。 每天早上和傍晚会有很多人在这里跑步, 而且有很多人在这里拍照哦。



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stop Child Abuse (Chinese Edition)

当年年仅三岁的小盈瀛就是被丧尽天良的母亲男友虐待至死, 甚至还被肢解然后毁尸灭迹!那时大家都在议论纷纷这件事情, 都在批评男嫌犯和小盈瀛的妈妈。


 在大马,最常见到的就是身体虐。 很多时候,那些手无寸铁的小孩都是满身瘀青,烧烫伤、咬痕、擦伤、挫伤、头部外伤。。。每一个都让人看了触目惊心。 

在今年七月,同样有一个 5岁女童疑被父亲虐死,死者身上有多处瘀青,常被人虐打,甚至曾被香烟头灼伤。






这短短文章中,我指出的儿童虐待案只是冰山一角, 在全国各角落还有世界各的虐待案也从来没有停止过。






Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ten-Good Japanese Restaurant (天狗居酒屋)

Now when you go to Ipoh, people will recommend you to have a lunch or dinner at De Garden. 

But today i want to make a different suggestion to you --- 
天狗 (Ten Good) Japanese Restaurant
which located at Greentown and Medan Ipoh ( branch).

I had been there few months ago and  I do like the food so much especially set meal.

Roll Chicken set- RM21.80
Tempura set ( include sashimi) -  RM 25-RM30
salmon set - RM 25-RM30
Unagi set- RM25.80
The price are a bit expensive for students like me but it is worth. 
Because all the set meal include miso soup,egg , salad,rice, dessert etc.

 For your information, all the food here including sushi are handmade and the ingredients are fresh

 So next time when you visit to Ipoh, don't forget to have a try at Ten-Good Restaurant. The branch is just behind Jusco Ipoh.

 Ten- Good Japanese Restaurant
No6, Persiaran Green Town 6, 
Greentown Business Centre,
30450 Ipoh.
Telephone: 605-2428332

Ten-Good Japanese Restaurant ( Branch)
23, Jalan Medan Ipoh 4, Bandar Baru Medan,
Ipoh 31400.
Tel: 605-542 6332

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fahrenheit 88- Uniqlo

Hahaha, finally i visit to Fahrenheit88 on Sunday, felt so excited. 

Fahrenheit 88 is a new shopping mall which located at Bukit Bintang. 

When I mentioned about Fahrenheit, most of the friends will ask me , " what about Uniqlo?" "Is there many people?" 

Maybe some of you even ask "what is Uniqlo?"

Uniqlo is the leading fashion boutique from Japan and they just opened the first Uniqlo store in Malaysia at Fahrenheit 88.
Due to this reason, you can see many advertisments to promote Uniqlo especially when you walk near by Bukit Bintang area or when you step in Fahrenheit 88.

With the new opening, they offered low  introductory  price  for  the  following  items, only available while stocks last:

1. UNIQLO’s graphic T‐Shirt collection,
UT for only RM29.90 (usual price ‐ RM59.90)
2. UNIQLO’s high‐quality jeans collection,
 UJ for only RM49.90 (usual price ‐ RM99.90)
3. UNIQLO’s Autumn/Winter 2010 Fleece jackets -
only RM49.90 (usual price ‐ RM79.90)

Visit Fahrenheit 88  and  Uniqlo website for more information.

Malaysia Year End sales is coming soon ,when u plan to shopping at KL, don't miss up Fahrenheit 88 and also Uniqlo !  

Let's go shopping now!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


在实兆远,我们大伙当然不会错过当地另一样 福州- 红酒面线

红酒面线俗称红糟鸡面线 所谓的“红酒”是用糯米喝酒饼酿制而成的。红酒面线是福州人传统佳节和喜庆节日必吃的传统菜肴,是用细长的面线和自酿的紅酒,加入鸡肉烹煮而成,有祝福健康长寿的意思。


在这里要谢谢我们在那边的导游- Cat和她的妈妈。谢谢她的妈妈请我们吃红酒面线。



1, Taman Tok Perdana, Jalan Raja Omar, Setiawan
Perak, 32000

Saturday, November 13, 2010

实兆远 - 光饼

自从认识了来自实兆远(sitiawan)的朋友后,我就一直听闻一种叫“kong piang” 的食物很好吃,现在终于让我尝试到全sitiawan最好吃的“kong piang”了 -  
“kong piang”是福州话,华语叫光饼, 在占大多数福州人的sitiawan 光饼是那边闻名的小食。。在 曾家光饼店可以吃到两种口味的光饼,一个是葱头的, 一个是叉烧的。很可惜,那一天我们去到的时候无缘吃到叉烧光饼。不爱吃葱头的人不要皱眉哦,因为我们吃的光饼可是一点葱头味都没有哦。

现在的人现在为图省事,多半改用电烘箱烤了,但是今天我看到的是用木炭烘炉。 制造光饼的过程我不懂,但是当我靠近烘炉的时候,我真的很佩服每天在那边工作的人,因为那边的温度是在太高了。

如果有缘去到sitiawan,千万不要错过“kong piang这个小食哦!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

UTAR 3R campaign

Campaign: 3R
Venue: UTAR Perak Campus
Date: 3 November 2010
Time: 10am until 4pm
Organizer: PR final year students ( Group 5)

It was a successful campaign that attracted  large number of visitors to visit their campaign, especially during lunch time and fashion show.

There was an activities which the organizer distributed free container to us and we can get free vegetarian lunch at opposite site.
Many people are waiting for free lunch after got the free container.

Besides, there are a lot of activities during the campaign such as games, exchange can drinks with 5 empty aluminum can drinks, performances, fashion show and booth that selling handwork items. 
Performance by committee members with 3R song
Took picture with three "recycle dustbins".
Items sold at booth
Handmade handphone cover with nice decoration

The most interesting part is the fashion show.
 For your information, those cloths used in the show are made by recycle and reuse items. The main point is the cloths are made by their team members based on their creativity or refer to website.

  Let's look for details.

Material: curtain
Material: magazines

Material: necklaces- plastic bag
Dress- plastic & magazines

Material: curtain
Material:container cover, food cover, CD, plastic, bubble plastic bag and umbrella

Material:  cardboard & curtain
Material: curtain and aluminum caps

Material: Tesco plastic bag

dress- unused magazines
Material: rubbish bag

Material: plastic, cardboard & paper

Material: mobile phone motherboard & LED bulks

A big hand to all 12 models that did their performance very well because the cloths that they wear are not comfortable at all but they still need to stand under the hot sun, smiling with everyone during photo taking session. They are so called PROFESSIONAL.
Well done!

I do enjoy the campaign so much as i stay there almost 4 hours and I learn  a lot. I wish my PR campaign for next year will success like theirs.

Friends, do not waste any items that can use for recycle and reuse, don't just simply throw it away. We also need to reduce plastic bag and polystyrene. 

It is the time to save our earth and protect our Mother Nature!