Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Putu Mayam

 Guys, do you know what is the proper name for this food?

 It is a popular food in Malaysia, and I eat since I was a kid, but I did not know the proper name for this food until yesterday...

I told my boyfriend that I took “MUTU MAYONG" as my dinner and he keep on laughing at me...

After that, I just knew that the proper name for this food is called Iddiyappam. or " PUTU MAYAM" in Malay.

In Malaysia, putu mayam is commonly sold as street food such like road side or market. Normally, it is served with grated coconut and jaggery, or, preferably, gur (date palm sugar).

One pack of Putu Mayam with 5 pieces only cost me RM1.20, very cheap right?? But I wonder why the young generation don't like street food like putu mayam and they prefer to spend more for fast food.

Monday, October 25, 2010




这世界充满了各种新奇的事物等着我们其探索,所以我把这部落格取名为“Enjoy wonderful life ", 就是”享受美好生活“的意思。。美好的生活不需要很多物质的享受,有时小小件事也会让我们觉得幸福,最重要我们要学会感恩和知足。。


